Tableau Vivant

Tableau Vivant frames my creative process in Joshua Tree, California, where I attended a 6-week artist residency.

66 pages, 42 plates
11 x 9 3/4 in. (27.94 x 24.76 cm.)
Perfect bound with a foil stamped softcover
Printed and bound by Laser Image Printing in Durham, NC 
Edition: 150 copies

Copies available through Artsuite


I arranged objects from the residency into new compositions, creating what the French call tableaux vivants - living pictures. I began each painting on-site before eventually deconstructing the arrangements, and I finished the paintings in the studio. The site ultimately bears no trace of my being there - the painting serves as the artifact.

The Paintings

For more information about each painting, see ‘Paintings’ page and scroll down to ‘2022’ section.

The Book

Through my paintings, tableaux, photography, videography, and sketchbook filled with writing and drawing, this catalog strings together a narrative about my experience in the high desert.

To get a copy, please visit Artsuite.


Joshua Tree, CA, 2022


Self Portrait Project


Monday Draw Jam